
Short Story Chapter 2

Decent Essays

Jack always loved roaming the surface. It was his time to be alone and reflect on what was important to him in life. It was also a great way to pursue his hobby of searching for ancient relics; – especially old books. However, he wasn't too keen about being on the surface or having to wear an environmental suit. Although, the soft crunch of sand reverberating through his boots always seemed to put him in a mellow mood. But, the time always seemed to go by too fast and the reality of the moment would come rushing back via his coms channel. "You about done up there, Jess replied back with a just a tinge of sarcasm in her voice?" I’m getting bored down here. If you don’t hurry up I’m leaving you on the surface. "Don't you …show more content…

Regardless of the danger surrounding the adventure of searching, Jack never passed up the chance to look for books. "I'm in, you can close the hatch." Jess chuffs over the coms line as if she's really exsaperated waiting for Jack or just messing with him. - “Finally!” She keys in the codes to the computer supplied to her by Central Command and engages the hatch. The hot, stale air from the desolate surface dissipates and gives way to the cold, dank, muskiness of the underground shaft. An audible ratcheting sound and then a thud can be heard as the tumblers in the hatch cover engage and locks shut. Jack then opens the visor on his helmet to let in the cool air. The discrete smell of oiled gears and old metal assault the senses. “That's that, Jack reports over his coms.” No one'll be able to access the surface from this location again until command gives the new codes. I just hope we got enough surveillance video to bring back. It would be a damn shame to come all the way out here to this remote site only to be told that we have to go back. "Maybe if you weren't spending all your time looking for old books, we wouldn't have to worry about that." "I never let that get in the way of what we have to accomplish while we're out here." "Books are just a hobby." Let's just hope your "hobby" doesn't compromise “our” jobs. Let's get goin'. I don't wanna’ hang around these shafts and tunnels any longer than

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