
Short Story Essay : The Story Of My Life

Decent Essays

My life I could say is not as perfect as a fairytale but falls somewhere on the line of a everyday American teenager. It all began November 2, 2002 in Bluefield West Virginia. My mother started college in Music but then married my father and moved to a camp called Christian Acres. He worked as the camp caretaker and attended bible college. When I was around three we moved to a little cottage like house in Hanover Ohio where I grew up. I grew up with many birthday parties and lots of love. My sister was born in March of 2005. She is my best friend even though we fight over stupid things like the bathroom sink. After school started when I was around the age of ten my mom started taking me to my cousins musicals and performances. That is when I found my love of Music. In 2011 we were at a church that my father preached at when he got offered a better job at Licking Memorial Hospital. He tried to balance both full time jobs but had no time for family. After about six months he decided to take the full time position as the chaplain at the hospital and we had to move churches. We started attending Crossroads Christian Church and loved it. My father got offered a part time position there and we still attend today.
Moving church's equaled moving houses for us. We spent twelve months looking for our diamond in the rut. We finally found a hidden away cottage right outside of Hanover. We moved from our little cottage to a bigger one. We had our ups and our downs in the move but

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