
Short Story

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Tic-toc-tic-toc, the annoying presence of that reminder of the passage of time was the only thing breaking the silence of the town hall, with the exception of the occasional child wanting their mother to comfort them. Other than that, an uneasy quiet permeated the area, as if the reaper himself was in the room, selecting who to drag into the afterlife. Actually, it would probably lighten the mood if that was the case.
Not even the mayor’s entrance gave security to anyone. Gone has his exuberant demeanor and his dashing white smile, replaced by a face gripped with anguish and grief. The only thing that remained was his booming voice, which I could hear from the third floor of the balcony of the courthouse. “There have been rumors, …show more content…

It was not even a week afterwards until it was reported police witnessed a man, with a hatchet in hand, hack at his own flesh until he slowly bled to death. Then, as similar report came from just outside of Boise; after a young couple was smashed between a cliff face and a minivan, the body of a local school teacher was found in a pool of her own blood. Some sort of crimson mixture of vomit and blood encircled her lips and it seemed she tried to hang herself with her own intestines, but the incisions she created caused her to bleed out instead, just a few yards away from her minivan. Then came reports from Miami. Then, Chicago. Then, New York. Los Angeles. London. Capetown. Baghdad. Tokyo. Beijing. Hong Kong. Sydney. Singapore. Nairobi. Paris. Rome.
At first, this all seemed like coincidence. After all, violent murders are not uncommon in large cities. Everyone went on with their day and nothing much happened. After all, why worry about a bunch of random cases, which do not seem to have any correlation, when there are better things to worry about. However, the same pattern seemed to emerge like clockwork and, after a month, various media outlets began reporting on this trend. Meanwhile, conspiracy theories spread like wildfire; many claimed that pathogens were causing this (“murder

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