
Short Story

Decent Essays

Standing behind a counter with a blank face, the cashier swiped the food items from right to left: BING… BING… BING. Her dark black hair laid across her pale skin, covering the entry to her soul. Her posture was poor; she was slumped over with a perfect curve in her back. Each time she reached to her right to grab a food item, her bangs would fall onto her nose leading her to blow them off angrily.
As customers entered the store, someone in the back would yell, “Hey! Welcome in! Have you shopped with us before?” and the cashier would grunt under her breath “Who even cares?”.
I watched her from afar and glanced at her name tag: Aggyday. No wonder she was so bitterly cold. I think I found her first problem. You can’t get through any social …show more content…

The noises didn’t stop, the ringing in my ears shook my body.
The cashier’s walk was more like a limp, but she creeped towards me. As she approached, she towered over me. My heart began to race, my palms were dripping sweat, and I couldn’t spit a word out of my mouth. The dark silhouette put his hand on my back and cautiously guided me to the back room, suddenly he was no longer mysterious; I felt comfortable and warm. It felt like my mother’s warm touch telling me that everything is going to be okay. I prayed that the emotionless cashier wouldn’t follow, but I could feel her footsteps rocking the floor beneath me. I felt as though the building was crumbling around us. I forced my eyes shut and hugged my knees to my chest. The man in the back with me kept trying to comfort me, but he couldn’t figure out why I was so worried. I began to question my sanity: “is she actually here or am I picturing something?”, “is this a prank?”, “why is he all of the sudden acting like…” before I could finish my thought, the window shattered behind me. The shards of glass covered the room, but I felt as though nothing had changed. The sharp feeling in my heart was equivalent to the tearing feeling the glass left on my skin. Empty. I felt nothing. My eyesight cut in and out, but my heart began to slow. All I could hear was “In and out, in and out”. I felt a gentle touch to my skin and a cradle like rocking motion under my body. I slowly opened my eyes and my mom was

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