
Short Story: Micah

Decent Essays

“I raised Henry after his mother’s death. It was not easy, but we made do with the little resources we had,” Micah recounts with a distant looked in his eye, haunted by the memories of those he lost.
“Henry was thirteen when he left home. I pleaded with him not to leave, but he was persistent, adamant the Anti-King Movement will finally end the brutality of the kings. I told him if he walked out that door, I never wanted to see him again.” He hung his head low, his eyes tearing, feeling ashamed of the words he spoke to his adopted son. “Eighteen years passed before I ever saw him again. I was browsing through the market when I spotted him with a glorious smile on his face, displaying the top roll of his teeth as his mother did when we were children. I wanted to speak to …show more content…

“I can take them off, but the tools I need are back at the castle.”
Tocharian at that point looks back to Micah. He knew there was more to the story he was withholding from him. He asks him several different questions, which Micah refuses to answer. “Tell me who he is?” Tocharian shouts. He peers down, staring at the scar across the man’s face when an image of a night he wishes to forget flashes through his mind; and without warning, he draws his sword, ordering the Royal Devine to stand back.
“What is the matter, my lord,” the Royal Devine says, taking aback by Tocharian’s bizarre command. “He’s the Shadow,” Tocharian announces with his sword pointed steadily at the Shadow’s face. “I recognize the scar across his eye, from the face I saw forming in the cloud in Masonburge.” Straightaway, he eyes Micah, Fiona, and Cernan. The three did not confirm, nor denied his claimed. Tocharian hollers for Callaghan’s Kingsman, in which they flew to his side. “Take that man to my horse.”
Fiona opposes, “wait, you cannot do this”, grabbing Tocharian’s

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