
Short Story Of A Balloon

Decent Essays

Today was a pretty cold day, but I thought I would go out and do a little mushroom hunting. Being the 31st of October I thought it would be a good day to get into the spirit of things and dress up. As I got to the park where I mushroom hunt I noticed a lot of cars in the parking lot. At times when I park in large groups of cars, I tie a balloon to my antenna just to make the return simple. I tied the balloon to my the wind came up and blew the rest of the balloons from my hand. Just then a car pulled in next to me. I slowly looked over at them and It was an older woman with two little kids in the car. I smiled and waved but when the driver saw me she got a little hysterical and put it into reverse and got out of that spot. I continued on picking up the balloons that had now blown under my car. I was nearly laying on the ground when I heard a small boys voice say, "Mommy look Balloons"! Just then I heard a woman scream and saw the boy yanked by the arm and dragged off like they saw a rabid dog or something. I picked everything up and headed towards the woods. I thought to myself, I should have given that boy a balloon, he deserves it after his mother treated him so poorly. I had a great idea, I would blow up a bunch of balloons and leave them on the trail so he could find them. I only had one color balloon so he would know it was me leaving them for him. As I got to the entrance of the trail I blew up a balloon and put a long string on it and tied it to a branch. There were

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