
Short Story Of Sanity Checks

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Lauren pressed her foot harder on the gas pedal, but to her dismay the wheels whined and spun, and if anything, sank further into the ditch. For all the good it would do, she flipped on the emergency flashers. Life wasn’t fair. She could die out here. Her family may never find her. A nervous chuckle brought back. Sanity check. Stuck didn’t equate to dying, and the best intentions didn’t excuse her bad judgement when she ventured into the storm. What she needed was a plan . . . and cell phone reception. As the vehicle idled, she pushed her weight against the door, forcing it into the rounded snowdrift. The frigid air blasted inside the vehicle, whipping her hair against her face and loosening her scarf, but she still dropped her boots into …show more content…

He attracted women without even trying, so she was one of many, well, except for falling in love with him. She’d often pop over to his place before heading to the Institute. That day she intended to surprise Spencer before he left for court. Even now, the raunchy image of Spencer in bed with Buffy Madison played out in her mind. It was humiliating to lose her fiancée to another woman, but to lose him to a popular talk radio host whose face flattered the side of every bus in the city--well that crushed her soul. He’d claimed the affair meant nothing, but his confession shattered her dreams, leaving her with doubts about herself and relationships. On top of the Preston incident, she lost her display designer job due to budget cuts, so human resources claimed. But Maggie came to her rescue, offering her a decent job purchasing antiques for the store. At twenty-eight, Lauren hesitated to change careers, but she and Maggie made an awesome team. It took time and dedication, and while many established dealers closed their doors, Once Again Antiques climbed into the green. The steady engine hum lulled her nerves and the stinging across her forehead subsided. Her lashes drooped and she heard the cattle

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