
Short Story

Decent Essays

Basking in warm sunshine, I slouch in the back seat. The late ‘90s van that seems empty for its size carefully drives down streets full of Chicago’s infamous potholes. This ruby red automobile carries a chatty friend beside me, his brother sleeping soundly in the far back and his troubled mother in the driver’s seat. Drawing closer to my friend’s house, I need to drift into my imagination to prepare myself for the long day ahead with him. However, my friend’s mother interrupts my escape, complaining to us about the grueling work of adulthood ranging from lots of taxes to having no leisure time. I paddle through my thoughts and listen out to her call for help. I want to be her problem solver. Opening the floodgates of my mind will put …show more content…

In result, however, I found this dilemma forced me into becoming a stronger, yet more empathetic individual still figuring out the world. My new journey of self-discovery makes me crave for a direction in life. My ambition for finding it holds me in my thoughts every night while looking out my window, thinking about what I can create, so I can help the people around me. I found a sense of direction in my school’s Explore Program, which lends me advice from various industry experts as well as tours of places such as the Fermilab and the Microsoft Technology Center. These havens that combine brilliant minds with amazing technology showed this introvert the endless possibilities of the world. I discovered that the introspection needed to make this revelation can also give us a glimpse into the hidden amazingness of the world, and perhaps each of us can find something secretly important in ourselves with it. Being an explorer through the human mind has allowed me to become free, creative, curious, and most of all, observant. To create these new discoveries, looking outside of the norm and being unafraid of the unknown is essential. I hope to share this passion for exploring with others because I know it will deepen our lives incredibly. I have found that the term INTJ makes me feel less alone in the world. My fascination with INTJ is not what I am limited to, but rather what strengths I need to grow, and what I need to do with them. With these strengths, I can lead

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