
Short Story: When Shots Rang Out

Satisfactory Essays

When Shots Rang Out This particular gang and the members in it protect each other like family. That being said, one of the female gang members had spent two days looking for the two teenagers. She ended up finding them in the City for Palm Springs in a vacant lot. Upon her arrival she took out a firearm and fired multiple rounds at the two teenagers. One of the boys was hit in the shoulder while the other was struck in the throat. In my opinion this particular situation is a perfect example of why I believe in miracles. What are the odds that a person can be shot in the throat and have the bullet nearly miss his jugular and not only survive but make a complete recovery. Upon the arrival of the first responders medical aid whas given to …show more content…

I say this because my dad shared this story with me and i thought that it was nothing short of a miracle. You see, my dad is a firefighter with the city of Plam Springs, and goes on many different calls. The other day he came home and told me about thus particular call and it had amazed me. It all started two days earlier when two teenage boys had gotten into a fight with a stranger. Little did they know that the stranger was a gang member from a different area. The first miracle in this incident was that there was a security gaurd patrolling a nearby area and heard the shots fired. He proceeded to investigate and found the two boys in the middle of a vacant lot. The female shooter had fled the secene. The security gaurd had immediatly called 911 and waited with the victums until medical help arrived. My dad’s engine was the first on scene. When he came home and talked to me about this particular call, it really made me stop and think about life. These two boys were teenagers just like all of us and every day we are put in potentially dangerous situations that can bring us harm. There is no way to tell when something might happen that could change our lives forever. Because of this, it is important for all of us to understand that life is short and we should not take anything for granted. This life is gifted to us for only a short time, and you never know when it could be your last

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