Should Addiction Be Considered A Disease?
March 31, 2013
Should Addiction Be Considered A Disease?
In society, drugs have been the downfall for many people. There are many reasons that a person may use drugs such as: peer pressure, relief of stress, increased energy, to relax, to relieve pain, to escape reality, to feel more self esteem, and for recreation ("Drug addiction and drug abuse," 2011). What is it that causes the obsession and compulsion to use drugs? Why can some people stop and others go on to become addicts? Addiction is often now defined by the continuing, compulsive nature of the drug use despite physical and/or psychological harm to the user and society ("Drug addiction and drug abuse," 2011).
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Many addicts finish in the legal system because they do whatever it may take to get their drugs. Although some addicts who receive legal consequences are able to abstain, out of fear of incarceration, from use for a period of time but unless they receive treatment and continue to seek support from others who are recovering from addiction the time will come that they will use again. Women who become addicted will abandon their children, continue to use while pregnant, sell themselves, and often put themselves in danger in order to get their drug of choice. Children of addicted parent(s) often can have behavioral problems or trouble with school and friends. Many children are forced to grow up and have to take care of themselves, siblings, and the addict because the addict is more worried about using drugs than taking care of their family. This often leads to family or social service agencies intervening on behalf of the children. The getting and abusing of drugs becomes part of their daily life which leads to financial problems, social and medical problems. Many times friends and families have to sit by and watch as the person they love chooses to use drugs over them, no matter how much they try to help them stop the addict continues to use knowing what the possible consequences may be or they stop for a period of time only to go back to using again. Along with the addict
Is addiction a disease? This question has long been debated and not just among the medical community. It seems if you ask this question to any random people you can find varying opinions on the issue. Stanley Peele's wrote an article which argues that addiction is not a disease and the growing influence of addiction as a disease will create problems within our society. Stanley presents several arguments for his points, however these are not strong enough arguments for people to consider his point of view. Addiction is not a disease, because addiction is a choice, it's something a person does and not has, and it refers to a behavior. This essay will expand on Stanley Peele's arguments.
Addicts use drugs to overcome their feelings. If an addict is feeling sad, happy, or angry, they use. This leads to their addictions. After a while, the addict can’t hold a steady job,
To understand addiction further, it is important to look at how drugs have neurological effects in a human body. Drugs can be ingested in various ways; while some are taken orally, some are smoked (cannabis) while others are injected directly into the blood stream (Heroin). Once in the body, they mainly affect the reward pathway in the brain, known as the dopaminergic pathway, which in turn gives pleasure. Even though all drugs affect the reward and motivation pathways in the brain, their speed depends on the way the drug has been consumed. Over constant use of drugs, the cognitive functions are impaired as the effects become more prominent in learning, memory
Substance abuse in the United States has become an immense complication that affects much of the population. In an article for Psychology Today, “Is Addiction Really a Disease?”, the author, Lance Dodes M.D., argues that addiction should not be seen as a disease, rather as a compulsive behavior. The author, substantially justifies the term “disease” as being explicitly used to label addictions, but rather complicates the reality of addiction for the ones affected and bystanders on looking this current event.
Over the years, there have been many discussions on whether addiction is a disease or if it is a choice. Addiction has been considered a disease for many years because it shows the same signs as a disease would. Many believe that addiction is a choice and not a disease. Two articles discuss the topic of whether addiction is a disease or a choice and the article that is saying it is a disease is "Addiction Is a Disease and Needs to Be Treated as Such" by David Sack and the other article is stating that it is a choice and this article is titled "Addiction is not a disease- and were treating addicts incorrectly" by Kyle Smith. Article one, "Addiction Is a Disease and Needs to Be Treated as Such" by David Sack is better than article two "Addiction
First of all, there is the Structural-Functional perspective way people view drug addiction as. The structural-functional perspective is the role the drugs do for the person or the weakening of the norms. It is the way they affect the person and what it does to them that makes them be addicted to drugs. For some people drugs relieves them. It takes them away from their problems from a while and they feel stress free and because of that feeling they receive from the drugs they like it and continue to take more and more. Those with this type of perspective well most likely disagree with this view of drug addiction and would want the problem to decrease.
Drug addiction is something that everyone is vulnerable to, and that unfortunately is something that many people are going through in today’s society. Everyone is exposed to drug addiction, no matter what, it’s just up to the person to determine if they have a strong enough will power to not take the drugs. However, drugs are available to anyone who is willing to buy them, and many people are willing to spend everything they have in order to buy drugs that might give them temporary relief of a situation that they are currently struggling in; drugs are many people’s escape from the reality they are forced to be in. People have different reasons as to why they start using and abusing drugs; some may choose to do it simply because they like the feeling the drugs causes or occasionally because of the environment or situation the person was or is in, but I mostly think it’s because the person isn’t strong enough to stop taking the drugs or to say no to them.
Chances are you know someone with a drug addiction. We often struggle to understand why an addict continues to abuse drugs. Whether it’s a choice they make or an actual disease is often questioned. Concluding an answer to that question you need to understand what addiction is, why people do drugs, what the outcomes of an addiction are, and if there are treatments for the addict.
Each form of addiction is brutal in its own way. Whether that be street drugs, prescription drugs, tobacco or alcohol. Addiction is a state of mind that makes something habitual. It can be considered a disease or it could be considered something that is genetic or natural. It causes a person to become self-seeking of their own needs. There are also forms of addiction like gambling, sex, food, or even shopping. Addiction could be anything and there are always consequences that come along with it.
The use of drugs is a controversial topic in society today. In general, addicts show a direct link between taking drugs and suffering from their effects. People abuse drugs for a wide variety of reasons. In most cases, the use of drugs will serve a type of purpose or will give some kind of reward. These reasons for use will differ with different kinds of drugs. Various reasons for using the substance can be pain relief, depression, anxiety and weariness, acceptance into a peer group, religion, and much more. Although reasons for using may vary for each individual, it is known by all that consequences of the abuse do exist. It is only further down the line when the effects of using can be seen.
The definition provided above is accessible and easy to understand; however, it initiates false beliefs among individuals because it fails to acknowledge that drug addiction is a mental health problem. Moreover, when words such as, “dependence”, “control” and “craving” are used to define drug addiction, it leaves an impression to the reader that addicts are indeed “people who cannot control their impulses.” Consequently, when we fail to recognize that drug addiction is a mental health problem, our focus is diverted towards the physical aspect of drug addiction. This could cause the belief among individuals that drugs alone cause the addiction. It is essential to acknowledge that there are chemical hooks in drugs; however, individuals need to understand that drugs alone do not cause the addiction. We need to identify and distinguish the “root cause” of addiction and ask ourselves: what caused the individual to take the drug in the first place?
Addiction is a term that has traditionally been used to refer to psychiatric syndrome that is caused by illicit drug use. Actually, addition is the only psychiatric condition whose symptoms are regarded as an illegal activity. In most cases, this term is described on the basis of drug use, which is the main focus of many research and treatment programs. Generally, drug addiction has significant negative effects on individuals using the drug and those around them such as family and friends. Family and friends are usually forced to watch their loved ones wilt away in illicit drug use. While addiction has traditionally been regarded as a psychiatric condition, there are numerous debates that have emerged on
Addicts blame others when things go wrong, they make loved ones feel guilty or ashamed, and maintaining an addiction can take a financial toll on a family. Children, pets, and other family members are often neglected and left to fend for themselves when living with an addict. Addiction can also cause separation in a family. Eventually patience runs out and people end up walking away from the addict when they refuse to get help or take responsibility.
Drug abuse is on the rise. While the use of drugs like cocaine and heroin is in a state of decline in certain parts of the world, prescription drugs abuse is on the rise (UNODC, 2013). Prescription drugs that were prescribed with the intention to do well are now one of the leading causes of self-harm. Drug abuse has no gender or social class, it can affect people regardless of social status and wealth, and now more than ever we need to understand the reason behind the abuse. What psychological factors could cause an individual to abuse drugs in the first place? In this research essay, I will discuss how each one of the major school of psychology perspectives could attempt to explain a
How do people become addicted to illegal drugs? Here’s how: Put aside the fact that it’s an illegal drug for a few minutes and let’s focus on the chemistry side of things. The moment when a person takes that first snort, puff, and shot trillions of potent chemical molecules surges through one’s bloodstream and gets into a person’s brain cells. Once in the brain they set off a cascade of chemicals and electrical nerves inside the brain, which increases the dopamine that is originally in the body. Dopamine is a natural chemical that’s in the body that makes you feel good”. When this natural chemical surge through the body of the patient and the wares off the patient who is consuming the drugs wants more, Which causes an addiction, and could lead to more dangerous drugs. This essay will be analyzing drug addiction, its causes, its effects, interventions strategy and preventions.