
How Did Andrew Jackson Remove From The 20 Dollar Bill

Decent Essays

Andrew Jackson, should he be worthy to be in our pockets? During his time as president Andrew Jackson was a controversial man. He did many things that left a huge impact on this great nation. Jackson was the leader that caused the Trail of Tears which sent many Native Americans west of the Mississippi River so they could have a better lifestyle. Jackson did not like the decision of the Supreme Court which said the Native tribe could stay on their land but Jackson forced them to leave to the new land that we now call Oklahoma. Jackson should be removed from the 20 dollar bill because he worked against Congress, he supported only white men, and he killed the National Bank causing the Panic of 1837.

First, Andrew Jackson should be removed from the 20 dollar bill because he worked against Congress. According to Occupy Theory article “Andrew Jackson Pros and Cons” even though the Supreme court had ruled that the Cherokees had a legal right to stay on their land in Worcester v. Georgia, he still forced them out of their land. This action led to the death of over 4,000 Cherokee Indians.This proves that Jackson removed the Native tribes because he went behind the Supreme Court and sent …show more content…

His views which were shared by his supporters, prompted the founding the Democratic Party. His upbringing and experiences with the rich molded his opinions on the wealthy and the government. This proves that Andrew Jackson only supported white men because he made sure that the government only supported white men known as the common man.Andrew Jackson only supported white men and not other minorities this shows that this action should cause Andrew Jackson to be removed from the 20 dollar

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