Most of the homework adolescents tend to receive from their teachers is busy work, and children and family agree this is not fair to them. This issue is affecting adolescents, parents, and families. When students are overloaded with responsibilities from schoolwork, their participation in extracurricular and social activities decreases. An argument over homework might seem trivial, but there are many negative effects on children who are attending school and go through this pressure. The debate that is currently happening throughout America is whether children should or should not be forced to have homework, a standard part of education that has been in existence since at least early 1900’s. Homework began generations ago, and “has generally been viewed as a positive practice and accepted without question as part of the student routine;” however, “over the years, homework in U.S. schools has evolved from the once simple tasks of memorizing math facts or writing spelling words to complex projects” (Vatterott). Not only recently but even at the end of the 19th century was homework getting in the way of family life. Children normally always have house roles that they are expected to complete and around the 19th century “many families could not afford to have their children continue schooling, given the requisite two to three hours of homework each night” (Vatterott). Not just in current situations, but also the 19th and 20th centuries, the children play as helpers and workers in the …show more content…
My overall opinion on this topic was not changed after the research: Students should not have homework. Adults should be seeking into the major problem with children getting burned out by the 4th grade and trying to fix it. Homework is causing more problems for children. The children are the victims in this situation and it is not fair for them to have to give up a big part of their
Homework has been around for many years, and parents have had many questions and concerns about the impact it has on their children. Kate McReynolds states in her article Homework that, “In 1957, the Soviet launch of Sputnik challenged the intellectual and military might of the United States. The New York Times ran a series of articles describing the Soviet educational system as superior to the United States’ system. Congress passed the National Defense Education Act and America’s youngsters were charged with restoring the nation’s competitive edge” (2). This means that schools are under the pressure to make sure their students excel and work extremely hard. So by doing so, they assign homework, which will progress to other issues for the students.
Students should not have homework. First here are my reasons why some kids don't do it . According to resch 10 % out of 20% students don't do homework. Scond students should have time for some fun stuff. 20 % out of 6 % students play games 8 hours a day in school and students have game, clubs, stuff and go until 8/9 hours a night and don't get a nuff sleep. Third homework sometimes it reck the sports. And Kids don't study and kids don't use class time they talk instead of doing homework. Next kids don't fish there homework don't want to do it. 30% out 40 % do it in team team study is only 42 minutes. After school 15 minutes go to relaxing that why we should have no homework.
A longitudinal analysis of NAEP data by the Brookings Institution’s Tom Loveless in 2014 found that more 9-year-olds were regularly doing homework than their parents' generation: In 1984, 35% of students reported no homework the previous night. By 2012, that had shrunk to 22%. But the share of 9-year-olds reporting an hour or more of homework was also down by two percentage points in that same period, from 19% to 17%. The percentage reporting less than an hour of homework had risen from 41% to 57%. Loveless also found that 27% of 17-year-olds reported having no homework. And the share of 17-year-olds who spent more than two hours a night on homework remained unchanged at 13%. This shows that a lot of students are having homework. Kirkwood High School was trying an experiment for the sake of student and teacher mental health. Some schools across the country have already tried discarding homework, and many reports success and positive feedback from students and
David Mills’s article published in Healthline, “Is Too Much Homework Bad for Kids’ Health?” is a piece focused upon the extensive amount of time consumed by homework by students of all ages as well as the subsequent health effects that typically result from the issue. With the assistance of multiple studies, Mills argues that current students are highly exceeding the national standard of allotted time for homework and instead recommends several alternatives to the problem, such as primarily focusing upon the assignments that they deem as of appropriate and beneficial quality. Although he specifically asserts that refusing to do the work altogether is one of the best methods to easily relieve the increasing pressure felt by students in vigorous schooling systems, it actually has the opposite effect: by delaying the work until later, students fall into an endless cycle of being
Some people have the mindset that school district shouldn't get rid of homework because homework can help out a student in many ways ,but i disagree with that I believe that the the school district should get rid of homework.why because it shows that it has almost no benefits on the students ,and it can make students hate school.
Have you ever wanted to just shred up your homework or throw it out the window and have no consequences? Kids are assigned daily homework from the time they start kindergarten at the ripe young age of five. Is it really necessary? Does it even help better learning or even higher test scores? The amount of homework we do wastes time, money, paper, and trees because it’s practically the exact same thing we did in class that day. Homework causes kid’s and teen’s frustration, tiredness, little time for other activities and possibly even a loss of interest in their education. It also keeps everyone up; it has kids and teens staying up until they finish it, the parents trying to help them and the teachers grading it. So, I think that homework is
I think that grade 8 students shouldn't have homework. Homework can negatively affect students' health as it causes exhaustion, stress, depression, and lack of sleep. Always doing homework can minimum family time and less time for sports and after school activities. Less family time can lead to conflict, hanging out with friends is decreased and that leads to less socializing. Homework is basically taking away students' childhoods, do schools really want to do that? When it comes down to homework students don't want to sit around stressing about it, they want to relax and play sports and pursue their hobbies after a long day of school. Students are doing more than the recommended amount of homework each night, without academic benefits. The
Studies show homework barely makes a difference. Kids claim homework is useless to them, and they might be right. Homework can be hard for kids and when they have trouble then it is harder for them to understand what the instructions are. Kids also get worried when they forget their homework. I think you should be able to turn in homework a day early or a day late. Most importantly kids do not perform better by a lot when they do homework. I think kids should have no homework.
I am one of those people who agree kids should not have to have the responsibility of homework in elementary school. When you ask yourself if elementary kids should have homework, you should take into consideration all the repercussions it may have. One of the first repercussions of giving homework to young kids would involve the parents. As a kid your brain is just starting to develop and as a parent, it is beginning to recede. “They struggle to help their children and many parents (46.5%) simply don’t understand the subject matter”.
In a study General Society conducted, 16% of teens viewed themselves as workaholics, 39% said they felt under constant pressure to do more than they can handle and 64% cut back on sleep to do the things they need to do. As these tasks are quite time consuming, students state that homework is the most out of all the unpaid activities they do throughout the day, as 60% complete 2 hours and 20 minutes on average each day (CBC news, 2007). The amount of homework students receive on average daily has greatly increased in the past 15 years, which concerns parents. Homework interferes with students’ lives outside of school, a student’s overall health, and consumes countless hours, which is why it should be limited to a reasonable amount.
Kids shouldn't have homework. Kids have stuff to do like sports, spending time with family and working. Instead of doing 6 or so hours of homework every night. “homework came in behind not only socializing but also exercise or sports as well as working for pay.” (Gazette,par. 24) I agree because some students have to rush to get their homework done at lunch or before school because they either have sports or have to go to work everyday.
Students, parents, teachers, administrators and other interested parties all seem to have strong and different feelings towards homework. Students complain that they have too much homework to complete outside of the hours they already attended classes. Students feel that they have personal lives to live and blow off homework while some parents and teachers believe that homework is the key to passing classes and preparation for college. This leads to teachers feeling pressured to push their students to succeed and this can easily get carried away. Parents and school systems still often discuss the topic of homework today. Should homework in school systems be stopped?
(Boccella). If students only have the time to develop in an academic way they won’t have the chance to experience life in other ways. When students have to come home and work on homework, when does that leave them time to spend with their family? The news article, “How Much Homework Is Too Much Homework?” by Sarah Caspari, states, “Kids are not going to give up their extracurriculars, but then they are stuck with all this homework, so the things that get left out are actually important things like chores, family time, and sleep” (Caspari). Homework is cutting into many important things that are needed in student’s lives.
Have you ever had a load of homework due the next day but have a sports practice tonight? Well all of this stress can be avoided if there was simply no homework. Some parents and teachers may disagree with me, but I have three main reasons to abolish homework completely. Those reasons are homework brings a lot of bad things to kids from eating up free time for sports and other activities, to stressing kids out greatly, and affecting the kids physical abilities.
I believe students should still be given homework because being nearly good in a subject isn’t. Just saying that being okay at the subject isn’t always enough since even when you believe that you have your next test in the bag just when you realize you have forgotten quite a bit of that certain subject when given it is why homework is very good since you have more practice and may even get better then when you started your homework and why you realize that homework can be good even at certain times and why I think homework should still be given.