
Should College Education Be Free

Decent Essays

Should College Education Be Free for All?

Our country doesn’t provide free higher education for our society. The majority of people agree that due to high cost of tuition the large amount of people can’t afford higher education at all. Our society facing the biggest challenge today is drowning in student depts. Today, a few people still debate about the importance of free college education. In the article, “What’s Wrong with Guaranteeing a Free College Education?” Stephen Krason argues that “federally guarantee free college tuition holds every promise of not only being an albatross for taxpayers and an incredible economic drain but making worse in multiple ways the whole struggling enterprise of American higher education.” (398) I strongly …show more content…

Our society need equal opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to the success of our country. According to the article, “Generation Dept”, written by Mike Konczal, “Student debt also exacerbates already existing wealth inequality.” Every person regardless of social standing should have equality of opportunity to get higher degree. There are many people that have all the potentials for higher education, but don’t have any support to pay for education. For example, my daughter graduates with honor, but has to choose from all great institutions the most affordable one. Most prestige colleges are insanely expensive. Our county should provide equal opportunities for poor and middle-class …show more content…

The strong economy in America has changed in last few decades. Today, college degree is equivalent to high school diploma in 50 years ago. If in last century high school diploma was good enough to get a job, today is the college degree. The interest rate of college loan is twice higher than interest rate for housing. According to the article, “It’s Time to Push for Free College,” studies show that higher education is the best investment for our society. Our economic will grow with new spending on public colleges more than spending on roads and bridges. One study shows that “college graduates smoke less, commit fewer crimes, draw less on social welfare programs, and generate more taxes.” It’s obvious that college education generates more job opportunities, better income.
A free-higher education is a true sign of freedom. Our economic freedom directly affects our personal freedom. Society would be able to contribute their talents, try new ideas if they don’t stick with low-wage job or stuck with students’

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