
College Cost Benefit Analysis

Decent Essays

Bernie Sanders, an American politician defines college education as “a right, not a privilege.” Society today requires students or those who choose to attend, to pay perpetually high tuitions in order to receive a higher education (college). Too many, it undoubtedly is a “privilege” rather than a right. By means of this, many young people contradict Sander’s statement by skipping to receive a college education due to these apparent tuitions and student expenses (Josephson). Future possible career plans and speculations are consequently jeopardized. According to College Board, the average tuition for out-of-state students attending a public four-year college is about $23,890 (“College Costs: FAQs”). This has never been a more prevalent financial …show more content…

To begin, universities within lack the dispersion of diversity and equality amongst individuals studying from various backgrounds and financial incomes. Therefore, eliminating these towering fees would develop the diversity and equality within. In 2013, the U.S. Census Bureau surveyed Americans from the National Center for Children in Poverty, finding that 44% of the nation’s children live in low-income households (Sillers). Amongst these children are longing individuals who are in hopes to attend colleges for their futures. However, under the circumstances, almost half of the nation’s children are financially unable to afford such high tuitions due to their low-income statuses. With this, it is demoralizing for less fortunate students with the same hopes and ambition to those who are privileged and conveniently receive higher levels of education. Having the same opportunities for all would ultimately achieve fair amounts of success for students regardless of class. Needless to say, equality between social classes would create a sense of balance and fundamentally expand within universities. …show more content…

Investing in tuition-free education will establish the diversity and equality amongst the student body, develop an all-around educated society, and ultimately financially assist those facing the student-debt crisis. Generally, universities lack the amount of diversity and minorities within. Truly, this is a critical influence students needs in order to enrich the knowledge of one’s educational experience. Granting the opportunity to those who are from low-income families would give the same amount of success despite social rankings within society; therefore, fair chances are given to all, making it more ethically acceptable. Furthermore, with the overall increase in attendance of college students, a well-rounded education based society is formed. Within, crime rates and occupational income are directly affected. Individuals less educated are far more likely to commit crimes as opposed to the more educated. Financial incomes are generally above high school diploma holders as compared to college degree holders. Finally, tuition-free colleges would easily assist the millions of students across the nation in trillion dollars of debt; overall shaping more desirable futures. Therefore, the best way to promote change for tuition-free education must start within local areas. People should show their efforts through campaigns and peaceful protests within

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