
Should High School Students Have Homework

Decent Essays

Homework: the stressor
Kid loses sleep behind homework kids be up all night at 12 doing homework. About the time they go to sleep It could be two in the morning. Homework should not be given.
Kids falls asleep in class because they are up all night doing homework. Teenagers ages 14 to 17 that is given homework is more likely to fall asleep in class due to staying up all night doing homework. If half the class is losing sleep behind homework then they will come to school and fall asleep in their classes. Without homework students would get better sleep.
Having homework can lead to poor health. According to a Stanford study, more than two hours of homework a night may be counterproductive. When it comes to stress, 56 percent of the students considered homework a primary. 43 percent viewed tests as a primary stressor, while 33 percent put the pressure to get good grades in that category. If …show more content…

According to a survey, 148 students out of 162 at RRHS participate in activities other than school and 82 out of 151 students have a job. Over 50 percent no wonder they are stressed. Student have 7 hours of homework and then 2 hours of after school to do their sport or go to work after school and when they get home they don’t have time to do homework. Without homework students will be caught up in sports.
Students should have homework. Some people may argue that students should have homework because it helps students get better on the concept in the class. I understand why they say that because the teachers want the students to get better in school and in class. However that argument is only partly true because even if they do have homework and study it’s the next day they will forget because they have other classes to worry about. They also fall asleep in class because they were up all night doing homework. Students should not have homework because it leads to poor health, falling behind in sports, and falling asleep in

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