I believe instead of fighting with the dress code, we should have to wear uniforms. Every morning when I wake up, I use most of my time picking out my clothes. If I have a uniform all I have to di is brush my teeth and tame my hair. I may be able to sleep in a little longer. The next important reason supporting my belief is that there are some kids who feel left out because they don’t have the latest pair of jean: not all kids have enough money to get the newest trend. Having uniforms would mean we all would look the same and no one will feel left out.
Conclusively, there are many more important reasons why schools in our country should adapt school dress codes. The schools that participate in the traditional wearing of uniforms, are getting a jump start in the countless number of advantages schools can get to help up their statistics. Learning that there are many minor issues of the judgmental side of the dress code, a few more issues come from the simple fact of students not having to worry about what they are wearing the next day. Additionally, teachers would not have to anguish about getting on the students about their dressing habits. Likewise, not only the teachers, but the parents as well would have a much more relaxing day and would imply the skills that the students need to help
Are regular clothes really bad for school? Students regular clothes do not have an effect on their safety or behavior. students shouldn't have to wear uniforms to school. Kids should be allowed to wear free dress at least twice a week. As a students a uniform is not a plessent thing to wear everyday.
Determining what to wear to school is difficult for the majority of middle and high schoolers. Wouldn't it be simpler to just have a set outfit planned for each and every day? Throughout education history, the concept of school uniforms has been experimented and debated within both public and private schools. Several schools across the United States require these uniforms, while the rest apply a dress code. Although applying a dress code may seem as if it eliminates all issues with inappropriate clothing violation, it is truly not advantageous. The only alternative to mend this situation would be to enforce school uniforms. Not only would this decrease dress code violations, it would lessen discipline referrals, improve students' self esteems,
I feel that dress code is not only unfair, but non reasonable. Kids should have freedom to dress how they’re generation dresses, and feel okay or not get punished for it.
We all know that there is different rules in almost all school dress codes that apply to guys and girls. For example, at some schools guys can't wear beanies during class but girls can. A girl can't have shorts that reach before their fingertips when they have their arms down. I personally feel like there shouldn't be “dress code” because for many people they like to express themselves by what they wear, why should schools make people feel uncomfortable? Not having uniforms can make the students feel competitive on what they wear and where they have got their clothes from. For some students those things do matter, but for some of them it doesn’t matter they’re going to school to learn, not to impress people at school. Some schools hate what their students wear to school, but don’t they have like favorite pieces of clothing that they also love as much as the students do? If schools don't like what they are seeing in the student’s “outfits” each day then they should start making students to wear their school uniforms. 15 year old, Miranda Larkin, was sent to the nurse's office for wearing a short skirt that violated the school dress code, and they made
What if I told you that, you don’t have a choice in what you can wear to some schools. Mostly high school and that’s the time when all children should express themselves and grow as individuals. Many schools around the world has a dress code policy that the students must follow. In America dress code policy has been around for more than 100 years. The first school dress code law was established in 1969 by the U.S. Supreme Court. “The constitutionality of these codes was first challenged in a 1969 U.S. Supreme Court case called Tinker v. Des Moines, which involved students who were banned by their school district from wearing black armbands to school to protest the Vietnam War. The court ruled in favor of the students saying they had the right under the First Amendment to wear the armbands; this set the overall standard in place.” (-Kimberly Yates). Many school board believe that dress code rules for students within their district to promote a safe, disciplined school environment, prevent interference with schoolwork and discipline. Some of the dress code policies in school are to strict and stop students from expressing themselves. This is still going on to this day, in schools around the world dress code policies interfere with a students’ right to self-expression. I believe that dress codes should be banned from schools and to let the students wear what they want to wear. Dress codes should be banned because the students are not able to express themselves, the system is a
Do you think kids should have to wear school uniforms? I don’t think so I mean what the fun in that? Kids wearing the same clothes over again and not being able to express our personality with our clothes. Kids should have the rights wearing what they want. Kids want to feel comfortable. Kids want to be happy and not have to wash their uniforms every night just for school.
Dress codes take part across the world, and many schools have dress codes and many do not. Having dress codes may benefit for the students, and the parents of the children. With all of the students wearing a school uniform students may be treated equally, may cause less bullying, and may cause less problems in the school. Many students judge based on looks, clothing, and how people dress, but with a dress code everyone would dress the same. School uniforms should be in all schools because it would lower bullying rates, nobody would be treated different from the clothing, and everyone would fit into their school better.
There are several reasons public schools should require uniforms. “School uniforms are one of several strategies being used by this nation’s public schools to restore order in the classroom and safety in the schools” (Stanley, 2). “In addition to encouraging students to concentrate on learning, rather than on what to wear, uniforms can be social equalizers that promote peer acceptances, as well as school spirit and school pride” (Stanley, 2).
“If it means that the schoolrooms will be more orderly, more disciplined,” President Clinton said, “and that our young people will learn to evaluate themselves by what they are on the inside instead of what they’re wearing on the outside, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms.” President Clinton is referring to the outfits or sets of standardized clothes that are worn primarily for an educational institution, usually in primary and secondary schools in various countries. When used, they form the basis of a school’s dress code, which is a set of rules, usually written and posted specifying the required manner of dress at a school. It began when schools had issues with grades and behavioral problems, but they didn’t want uniforms because it infringed upon individuality. The commotion began when the uniform movement began nearly four years ago when Long Beach, California became the nation’s first public school district to require elementary and middle school students to wear uniforms. Since then, public schools from east to west have debated whether they’re beneficial or not, which has caused the controversy to heat up significantly. Even though requiring uniforms in public schools have been controversial throughout history, it continues to be an area of debate for school communities because research shows that uniform policies do provide benefits to schools, but there are also disadvantages that create unfavorable conditions
A main solution brought up to end this debate is enforcing a uniform policy. There has been a significant benefit with schools who enforce this type of policy. One relating to a sociological viewpoint is the Labeling Theory. The way a student chooses to dress can affect how a teacher might view and treat a student. If a student is dressed poorly, a teacher might view them as delinquent and will fail tests or cause problems in the classroom. Therefore, the poorly dresses student will start acting this way and flunk out of school and start fitting into their label assigned to them. Then on the other hand, you have a well-dressed student that will be viewed as an exceptional leader that does all their homework and always comes to class. The well-dressed student will then begin to fit in this label as well and
Students having to have uncomfortable clothes can not be relaxing to them. Which, making them rush school to get out of the clothes. Making them have lower grade and such not. So the dress code should be back to the way it was when there was no school uniform.
Dress codes are not helping schools like they are meant to do; they are actually harming students in the school. Dress codes shame students and make them insecure about their bodies. They also disrupt precious class time that is vital to students. Buying clothes to fit the school dress code is costlier than some families can afford. Not only are dress codes stifling, but they are also unfair toward specific body types and different genders. Dress codes also decrease a student’s ability to be different from all of their peers in the way they dress. Schools should not have dress codes because they are sexist, unfair and disrupt class time.
Each school year a family has to go out and buy their child or children a certain top, bottom and pair of shoes in order to be considered dress code compliant, for many this is an inconvenience. The average household has at least two or more children to buy clothing for, which means not only are they obligated to provide a school uniform for each day of the week but also for the changing seasons, on top of buying regular clothes for their child to wear outside of school. This has not only affected our economy in a negative way, but also put restrictions on how our children are able to express themselves and or their unique personality, which many do by their choice of clothing. The requirement of uniforms also takes away from our children being comfortable with their choice clothing, the materials can be uncomfortable if you’re child is sensitive to the material, and many kids oppose the use of buttons, zippers and restrictive clothing especially if they suffer from a disability. I truly believe that each person should have the right to choose to wear what makes them feel comfortable and still be school appropriate in hopes to restore freedom of mind and expression, and then maybe our children can learn to think and feel on their own without fear of labels and restrictions based on their choice of clothing, yes I understand that many felt this was a way to guide our children, but it has only showed them to fear what others think of
School uniforms should definitely be used in school systems. Uniforms are both good for schools as well as for the students. Wearing uniforms will help build a sense of unity within the school. Instead of everyone as a separate team, everyone will be in the same team. Wearing uniforms will help free students of the stress of what to wear in the morning. Wearing school uniforms will help improve student individuality and improve their self-esteem.