
Should Middle School Students Have Longer Recess Essay

Decent Essays

Don't you ever wish we had more time to run around after lunch for recess? Recess is great because it uses up some of our energy, gives us exercise, and lets us choose what we want to do. However, we only get 10 minutes of recess, which just isn't enough time for middle school students. For these reasons, believe SJNCS middle school students should have a longer recess time.

The first reason why I believe Saint John Neumann middle school students should have a longer recess is because it will help us use energy. If we use up some of our energy then we will not be as hyper going to class after lunch. Also, some people really don't use study hall, the class before lunch and recess, and mess around during it because they want a little break. A longer recess time would help these students recooperate and get some energy out of their systems. Finally, students need time to be active so we can be diligent in the next classes. Using up energy with a longer recess would help students stay focused and power through the rest of the school day. …show more content…

We only have PE twice a week, and there is only so much we do in that class, so a longer recess would give us middle school students a little bit more exercise. Furthermore, some students don't play sports and may not get an adequate amount of exercise, which is vital for the human body. Most importantly, a longer recess will help us get our heart rate up for a good daily amount of exercise. A longer recess time would open up more time for middle school students to get exercise, which would benefit all of

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