
Should Recess Be Banned

Decent Essays

Some think that recess should be banned, and not allowed at schools, but others support recess and say it benefits the students. Recess is being reduced to fewer and fewer schools each year. The study, of 1,800 middle school students shows children can benefit academically from physical activity during recess. Schools are making mistakes trying to force more learning on students, rather than giving them recess and breaks throughout the day. Schools should include recess for all grades because the students would have better behavior, it provides students with exercise, and they would perform better on tests.

Recess needs to be a necessity to every school because studies show that the student's behavior is better …show more content…

There is evidence that having recess can ruin kids self esteem, or they can be humiliated because if they go to play a team sport, they may be the last to be picked (Strong). No one likes being the last one picked for a team. Without recess, students will not have to go through that feeling of being rejected, not good enough to play, or not in physical shape for the game. Other studies have shown that some kids do not use recess to it's real purpose. Students will just sit there, talk and socialize with their friends instead of move around and be active (PRO/CON: Should Legislature set aside recess period for young students?). That defeats the whole purpose of recess, which can show to principals and the teachers outside on watch that recess is just a waste of time. However, even if the students do not use recess for it's full function, they could exercise other ways. The kids could have sports they play after school such as soccer, baseball, softball, and even baseball. Even if a handful of students do not use their recess time wisely, they have others ways to be active outside of

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