
Should Parents Monitor Their Childs Cell Phone The Controversy?

Decent Essays

Should Parents Monitor Their Childs Cell Phone the Controversy?
Do you remember when you finally got your first cell phone and how happy you were about it. Cellphones in these times are used as a place to gather knowledge and learn that knowledge, but this also has a dark side as well, as the internet gets more dangerous each year, more and more children fall victims of the dark side of the internet which contributes to the rising epidemic of whether parents should monitor their children’s cellphone usage or not, but the monitoring of said child’s cell phone could lead to problems in the future. This is why parents should not keep track of their child’s cell phone use because children want their privacy, and to add on it could severe the relationship …show more content…

“Children are humans just like you correct and with this reason, in mind children have the basic human right of privacy just like you” (Should). Therefore you should give your child privacy and not monitor their cell phones unless the child says otherwise, because we all know how children in these times can get if they find out you as a parent went around poking your nose where it should not be. Children would want you to respect their privacy. Likewise, “children think their phones are sacred and private and anyone who intrudes on that are setting up themselves for a fight between parent and child” (Augenbrawn). This is why parents should just keep out of the way of their kid’s cell phones as they have this mindset of their phones being some so called god and no one but them has the right to look but them. If they find anyone else for example you the parent they will feel that their privacy has been invaded and start to fuss about it so best to stay clear at these times. This evidence shows that children need their privacy because without it, things could go sour within the said child’s

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