
Should Privacy Be Allowed On The Internet?

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Originally a government project, then widely used by the world of academia for a few decades, the internet would not gain much popularity until about the mid 1990’s where its use began to expand. Online vendors, electronic mail, online multiplayer video games, websites for the world’s top media outlets, the list goes on. The use of the internet is now larger than ever as technology continues to advance. We no longer fear our wallets being stolen as much as we do all our personal information; we will allow police to search homes because we believe it is their duty, but absolutely despise that the government tracks a lot of what is done online. It is the fact that the internet is not governed by a central body, is what attracts billions of users to it; and with no central body to govern what goes on, it leads to ask to what extent privacy should be allowed on the internet, and if it is ethically right that the government keep track of its users despite no formal control over it. While the ability to access media, play games, and shop online all seem to be attractive points as to why one uses the internet, it is more so the alluring promise of privacy that attracts its users day in, and day out. To add on to privacy on the internet, when one thinks that the privacy possibly guaranteed already isn 't enough, there is such a thing known as the Deep Web, or Hidden Internet, which will question the concept of privacy on the internet. From privacy springs forth anonymity, and with

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