
Should Religion Be Taught In Schools Essay

Decent Essays

Students could benefit from a religious focused course in high school. Despite religion in schools being highly controversial, public schools should be allowed to teach religion in school. Specifically this could negate religiously motivated hate crimes, help the student body become more familiar to religion as it is becoming more diverse, religious literacy is key to a well-rounded education, and students have a first amendment right to religious expression in school. All religions should be encompassed equally. Religion is school is not to be “rally” or a “life altering moment”, but a way of understanding cultures around the world and between one’s neighbors.
Religion is mentioned in school, but is brushed over do to fear of “hitting a sore topic” or offending other religions. The main issue is not discussing all religions equally and independently from other studies. First, …show more content…

According to the U.S. Department of Justice's "Hate Crime Victimization" report, the percentage of hate crimes that were motivated by religious bias was nearly three times higher in 2012 (28%) than in 2004 (10%)” (School Reform, 2015). Those are only a couple examples or hate gone too far. These were tragic accidents that derived from preconceived notations about people that could have been avoided and saved lives. Religiously motivated hate crimes are on the rise. High school and even middle school students should strive to reduce the ignorance of young adults to young teenagers. With religion as a class students can become aware and have a safe open environment in which they can become more familiar with other walks of life. Hate crimes are becoming all too easy for people as if they do not even see other ways of life, in particular

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