
Should School Start Later Essay

Decent Essays

Have you ever been sleepy during your first class? Many people have felt this way. Being groggy makes it hard to concentrate on the lesson. Your brain is still in sleep mode. It is a horrible idea to make students come to school while they are not even fully awake. School should start later, for it is easier for students to perform better academically, for students to be healthier, and the time will not conflict with teen’s natural sleep schedule. First, sleeping later helps students perform better in school. According to Sarah McKibben in her article “Wake Up Call” She says,”Switching middle school start times by 30 minutes or more to after 8 a.m. in Wake County, NC was associated with increased math and reading test scores, with disadvantaged students benefiting most” (6). Moving the start time of schools back will help students when it comes to academic …show more content…

According to the Center for Disease Control report, “Insufficient sleep in teens is associated with obesity, migraines, and immune system disruption .” (2) Therefore, later start times will improve student health. Coaches would even benefit from the later start times because their players will be healthier, more alert and will not be as tired when they get to practice after school. More students will excel at extracurricular athletic activities. Finally, later start times in schools will not conflict with teen’s natural sleep schedule. M. Safwan Badr from “USA Today” says,“The typical teen body wants to sleep from about 12 a.m. or 1 a.m. until 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. They're waking up at a time when their brain doesn't want them to be awake" (2). Teens are often rushed out the door sometimes with no breakfast before their brain and body has stopped telling students that it is time to sleep. Therefore, it hard for students to concentrate at school. It would even be easier for parents to get their student to school.There would not be such a rush out the

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