
Should Students Be Grouped Based Upon Age Or Academic Ability? Essay

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Should Students be Grouped Based Upon Age or Academic Ability? The way students are grouped in the classroom has changed seldom in America since its inception in the seventeenth-century. Students had an education system that worked like the following: children from a young age would go into a schoolhouse and learn mostly analytical subjects such as history, science, and literature. If the students passed their grade, they would then move up with their age group into the next grade. But should this system of education be the one people should be sending the next generation of adults into; some would argue “no.” If the student possess the ability to finish English I in the matter of seven months (from the academic year) rather than the normal nine months, why should he or she be held back from continuing and going into English II. The problem lies in capping the student’s academic potential and lowering the bar for these students. This is creating a generation of kids that are a carbon-copy of each other, helping the students that may not do so well in the classroom while neglecting the ones who are often doing better. But how has the education system changed in the past three-and-a-half centuries since it began? Granted, it hasn’t changed much, but before talking about change in the present, take a look on how the education system started in America. Back in the 1600s when the colonist first came to America, the education system was used as a way to teach English,

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