
Should The Educated And Not Be Educated? Essay

Decent Essays

To Be or Not To Be Educated? Aristotle once said, “The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead.” Throughout the course of human existence, education has always triumphed. But what is Education? It is derived from the Latin word "educatio”, which means to bring up. Could life be prosperous and gratifying without “education”? To be educated is defined differently by different individuals. I define education as a field of study, the result produced from teaching, training, or learning, and the act or process of acquiring general knowledge, then developing the powers of reasoning and judgement from oneself or others intellectually for mature life, If it was not for education being a field of study, there would not be teachers. As a toddler, specifically kindergarten age, I was asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I replied enthusiastically saying, “A teacher of course.” At that age, subliminally, I knew I had to go to school and receive a degree in teaching in order to do so. It was not until I became an adult, I learned that in order to be an instructor of knowledge, I would have to major in Education rather than teaching as I previously believed. One would think after soaking in education for 12 plus years, that our knowledge of it is profound. There is more to education than what is viewed by a fledgling learning eye. One has to grasp essential techniques, diverse training and even reiterated on basic information to a

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