
Should The Federal Government Legalize Marijuana

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I do not believe that the Federal Government should continue to regulate –and outlaw- marijuana. I believe that the issue should be a concern of the states and not the federal government. According to the Controlled Substance Act, (CSA) (21 U.S.C. § 811), there is no federally recognized difference between medical and recreational marijuana. Importantly no matter what the use is, marijuana is illegal in the United States as far as the federal government is concerned. Doctors are not allowed to prescribe marijuana for medical reasons, but rather suggest. The Federal Government treats Marijuana as it does all other dangerous drugs like, heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine, and so on. A person can face anywhere from one year to life if they are arrested for possession, cultivation (growing marijuana), trafficking, or even having paraphernalia. …show more content…

If your doctor “recommends” you use medical marijuana in one of the 25 states that “allow” it, you could still face charges at the Federal level. Your lawyer can argue medical use, but it becomes the Judge or jury’s decision whether or not they care because as far as legality goes, you are still at fault. Remind you, ignorance of the law is not a viable defense in court. Therefore, all of the people proudly chanting for the legalization for marijuana in Colorado, could find themselves in prison at any time for simply participating in an act they perceived to be legal. Let’s face it, who reads the small print? Most people that now smoke cannabis in Colorado probably have no idea about the discrepancy within the

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