
Why Did We Going To Win The Revolutionary War

Decent Essays

Those British are at it again. I don't think they get that we are going to attack them sometime when they least expect it. Well at least I think we should. I think we should go to war with the British because we could win freedom, stop having our rights violated, and we could get rid of all of those stupid taxes. We have a good chance at winning the war and if we do, we could get the freedom that we want and need. When the British first came over to the colonies, they were always in everybody's business. I always felt like I couldn't speak my own mind because everywhere I looked, there was another Lobster-back. That wasn't the only thing they did when they were here. They also gave themselves the authority to come into our houses and …show more content…

Just like those acts. I don't agree with what the are doing and don't think they should be able to do that to us. The Coercive Acts, most colonists thought, were the worst of the acts. This is probably why they named them the Intolerable Acts. I don't think they should have reacted the way they did when we had our little Boston Tea Party. They closed the Boston Harbor! That's the only way that some people of Boston can trade to make money or important things for their family. I think they might know we are planning what to do if they attack or what we are going to do if we attack. I think this because the Coercive Acts include a part that said no more town meetings. They know that our meetings are obviously for planning and they know that the more we plan, the stronger we are. When the British were here the first time to search for smuggled food, they couldn't just sleep outside all night. They had to sleep somewhere. So those British stuck them on us. We had to willingly open up our houses to those Lobster-backs. It was as if we had to let someone we hate live in our house for a while. This was the part of the act that annoyed me the most. But just think about it; if we win the war all of that would be gone. Some say that the taxes could be good for us but if you ask those people why, they have absolutely no answer. Looks like they are just trying to defend their king. The taxes that they make us pay, in my opinion are way too high. We have to do

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