
Should We Legalize Animal Testing Ethical?

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Animal testing is the cause of many controversial arguments. Is it ethical? Is it truely the best option? The answer to both of these questions is no. Animal testing is both cruel and unreliable. There are many alternatives to animal testing that would be safer for humans and animals alike. Although it cannot be completely eliminated at this point of time, steps need to be taken to minimize animal experimentation as much as possible. Although there have been some benefits to animal testing, the painful experimentations that these animals go through must come to an end. It is estimated that twenty million animals are experimented on each year (Andre, Claire, and Manuel Velasquez). Roughly eight million of these experiments are very painful to the animals being tested on (Andre, Claire, and Manuel Velasquez). This being said, ten percent of these animals do not receive any type of pain medication (Andre, Claire, and Manuel Velasquez). How could one sit back and watch these animals suffer?
The Animal Welfare Act was created to not only to determine what can be done to the animals, but also to regulate the trading and care of the animals being tested on ("TRANSPORTATION, SALE, AND HANDLING OF CERTAIN ANIMALS."). The Animal Welfare Act also ensures that anyone …show more content…

Not all animals are covered under the Animal Welfare Act ("Explanation of the Federal Animal Welfare Act."). Rats, mice, and birds are completely excluded from the protections that it offers ("Explanation of the Federal Animal Welfare Act."). They are still protected by the National Institutes of Health ("Rats, Mice and Birds Excluded from Animal Welfare Act."). The problem with the National Institutes of Health is that it has no legal force backing up the protections of these animals ("Rats, Mice and Birds Excluded from Animal Welfare Act."). Therefore, these are the animals that need to be focused on the

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