
Show Choir Research Paper

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This year has flown by quickly and sometimes I wonder where all the time went. When I first got my classes I was nervous because most of them were honors with two pre-AP classes. I learned that the classes were not hard if I studied and did my work. I wanted to drop out of my English class but my mother convinced me to stay in. My favorite class was science because we were always doing something interesting and I connected well with everyone. I got the opportunity to be in the school’s Show Choir which was amazing. I feel sad because in our Show Choir we are mostly composed of seniors so I got used to them and now I will miss them terribly. I feel like they were my second family.
I always wanted to be remembered in high school because I know years from now, someone will pick up our 2019 yearbook and look at a random picture and have no idea who this person is or was. I don’t want to be that random picture so I flooded myself …show more content…

I felt sad and abandoned but I realized I had to talk to them so I told them about my problems and they told me about theirs. Everything is going good now and for that I am grateful. I had a lot of embarrassing moments in this school year. Most recently I fell of the stage during the musical and I still have the bruise.
This year had its ups and downs but I would never trade it for another freshmen year because all of the obstacles form our personalities and life is ten percent problems and ninety percent trying to cope with them so whenever I think I can’t do anything I remember that in my freshmen year, I got first place at state for a pantomime, got second place in Boston for Show Choir, made twice as many friends as I have in my whole life, and managed to keep my old friends in the process. I would say that this year would be my best year since

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