
Siddhartha Quotes

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Quote #1: “‘You will learn it,’ spoke Vasudeva, ‘but not from me. The river has taught me to listen, from it you will learn it as well. It knows everything, the river, everything can be learned from it.”

Originally Siddhartha left his father’s, the Samanas, and even Gotama to seek out knowledge and enlightenment without the help of teachers. During his time alone, after he left the spiritual world and entered the material world, he only learned from teachers and masters of a craft. His new teachers, Kamala and Kamaswami taught him the material arts of love, and business respectively. Finally, Siddhartha decided to leave this life behind, and return to the river where he first met the ferryman, Vasudeva. Still going against his original plan, …show more content…

He followed Siddhartha to join the Samanas, and he joined Gotama’s followers to follow the Buddha’s path. He doesn’t follow his own path, but needs to follow another’s. He needs someone else’s wisdom, and he doesn’t know when he is on a path that is flawed, or if he is close to enlightenment. This is why Govinda immediately wants to learn under Siddhartha because Siddhartha has achieved the enlightenment that they both seeked. Paralleling Vasudeva’s answer to Siddhartha before, Siddhartha tells Govinda that he can’t tell Govinda anything, “that would be of value,” besides the fact that Govinda, “seeks too much.” Siddhartha is trying to explain to Govinda that even though what he wants to find is important, it would be beneficial to him to take a break from the searching, which could help him focus on the world around him eventually leading to his goal. Govinda has also been searching for his goal for a very long time, and he’s only been focused on this without allowing any distractions. This then allows him to pass by important and useful markers from which he could learn essential information that would make attaining his goal

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