
Significance Of Biblical Exegesis By George Mburu

Decent Essays

Biblical Analysis
Significance of Biblical Exegesis by George N.Mburu, KE100653
The author delves to discuss the process of biblical exegesis reflected in the study of M1 TO M4 COURSES and their relevance in personal biblical understanding. In the endeavor of exposing the learned facts, the author utilizes a summarized descriptive and analytical approach.
The term “Exegesis” is derived from a Greek word, meaning “to dig out from”. The term holds crucial in relation to Hermeneutics which deals with not only the meaning but also the application of a Bible text. In essence, exegesis seeks to bring out the original meaning as intended by the author, and the modern audience gets a chance to hear as the original audience heard. The author looks into various types of theological approaches, the biblical genres and the lessons learned from the m1 to m4 course in respect to exegesis. …show more content…

The moral of the illustration, reflects the need for proper understanding. The Bible and theology student like the author needs proper exegesis and hermeneutical skills, divine revelation notwithstanding, to handle the word of God. Accordingly, exegesis resonates well with biblical hermeneutics and systematic theology. Indeed, proper hermeneutics should be preceded by exegesis, since wrong understanding brings wrong interpretation and definitely affects application. In looking into parables, as a Bible genre in the New Testament, for instance, some people spiritualize and misinterpreted hence mis represent the parables. Erstwhile, parables should be treated as they are; Jesus used parables to captivate his audience, and used ordinary or familiar

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