
Similarities And Differences Between 1848-1861

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The periods from 1763-1776 and 1848-1861 are similar in that they both share an escalation and polarization problems, but even with the similar they are still different and lack consistency when comparing the two periods in American history. The obvious is that both took place on American soil. The led up to the American Revolution had many issues that the colonies were growing anger over how the British Government handle them. An issue that can be compare between the both would be the Dred Scott v Stanford court case and the trial of the British soldier after the Boston Massacre. The cases are similar in that one side wanted this to be an example for their cause. The colonies wanting the nine soldiers to be killed. While the South wanted Scott …show more content…

The ruling fall under the 5th amendment of the bill of rights. Which John Adams, lawyer defending the British soldier, with his cousin Samuel Adams saying “defending the rights of man and unconquerable truth,” (Carnes 106). Adams wanted a fair trial for the soldier, so he volunteered to defend the soldiers. The soldier were acquitted of the crime. The situation is similar, because even though the 5th amendment was not in place in 1770, Adams wanted the soldier to have grand jury, equal protection of the law, and to be able to give their side of the story. The soldier were not consider colonies, but they are should be given the same rights as everyone else would get in court at the time. The Boston Massacre lead to the British repealing the Townshend Act, expect for the tax on tea. The result are similar in that South got their wish of having slaves in the new territories and the colonist not having the pay Townshend Act anymore expect on tax. The First Continental Congress is very similar to the South threating leaving the Union, because they were both the last …show more content…

The South threaten leaving the Union, because of the election of 1860 with Lincoln winning it. The South did not want to lose their way of life and felt the only way would be to leave the Union. The similarity in polarization of the two periods is that the farmers both times were on the side of rebellion. The differences is that the American Revoulation was an east verves west, for example North Carolina. The farmers who live in the west hated anything that the eastern city folks supported. The eastern normally supported the British government and big business, so the farmers in the west would just hate the British, because of the fact that people in the eastern supported them. The led up to the Civil War was north verves south. This is showed through all of the compromises leading up to the secession, for example the the Great Compromise of 1850. The North wanted California to enter as a free state. The South feeling that their will lose power in Congress wanted the North to pass stricter laws that would enforce the Fugitive Slave laws. The north got California and the south got the Fugitive Slave Act of

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