
Similarities And Differences Between Octavian And Han China

Decent Essays

The Han (206 BCE-220 CE) established their rule in China after a power struggle between regional leaders following the fall of the Qin dynasty. Liu Bang, a commander from the Han region, established himself as the leader of China in 206 BCE. The Roman empire (31 BCE- 476 CE) emerged in a similar manner. Octavian, the grandnephew of Julius Caesar, emerged victorious after a civil war in Rome caused by the assassination of Caesar in 31 BCE. Religion played a part in consolidating the rule of both of these leaders. Liu Bang consolidated his rule via the Mandate of Heaven which made him a link between the heavens and the people. Octavian was given the title Augustus by the Senate. The name is associated with religion and it implies that the beholder is divine or semi divine. Liu Bang and Octavian were not the first to introduce centralization to their respective empires. The Han followed the footsteps of the Qin empire and Augustus followed after Caesar’s centralized government structure. They both organized and administered their government by building upon the government structure of their predecessor. As a result they both ruled in a centralized way with some key differences. A similarity in technique of imperial administration between Han China and Imperial Rome is that both maintained and administered their empire by using roads for communication and transportation. A difference is that in Rome, conquered land was commonly ruled by elites who obtained it by purchase or

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