
What Are The Similarities Between Han China And Rome

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Some people may think the Han Empire and Roman Empire are complementary, and very alike. Some only know that empires are large, have giant armies, and access to lots of power. They did have some other similarities, they both lasted for around 400 years! Not to mention, they both had a population of 50 million people, with a very large land space. However, they were very different. Han Empire and Roman empire ran their governments different, both empires placed people into social classes, but they practiced different religions.
To start off with, the governments were very different and ran completely different from each other. The Roman Empire had their ways of governing, allowing people to have a voice and be able to govern themselves. This …show more content…

It's somewhat similar to the United States, we get to vote for president. But, when Rome started to grow and become bigger, then the emperor started to rise. This caused an issue, a man name Julius Caesar wanted to rule Rome. If Caesar was to become the emperor that would be the end of their government. So, because of this, a man went and killed Caesar. Yet, a man named Augustus became emperor in 27 b.c. This did cause their government to come to an end. Moving on, to Han government it was very structured. Han Empire had an emperor, he was head of government. His job was to create laws, but also heading the armed forces being the commander of chief. Lastly, the emperor served as chief executive offical. The Han people didn't have power, unlike the Roman Empire. The Han emperor had full control, and power over the people and China. The Han government did have 3 councilors of state; chancellor over masses, imperial counselor, and grand commandant. There jobs were to budget the …show more content…

Han Empire and the Roman Empire both came up with there social classes, they are very similar. The reason that they are similar is because both follow a structure that determines what class a person is put in. Also, they both have the highest most representative people on top. However, the only difference is the names for each class. To start off with, the Roman social class had the senatorial class on top. This was the senators, men elected as consul, and nobility which is an elite group. Equestrians, were also upper class, this was more involved in the amount of money and land people had. In this group was the wealthy landowners, they could participate in economic activities and also were considered citizens. There was no middle class, it went from upper to lower. In the lower class was commons, this was any other freeborn citizens. There was also slaves, they were considered the bottom of social class. The Han Empire had a very similar social class, they had three parts instead of two. At the top of their social structure was the emperor, since he had full power over everything. Second, is the second tier of social class, this was peasants and farmers. They were in the middle, considered to be under wealthy landowners, however above labor. The third class was on the bottom, it consisted of craftsmen and artisans. They make knives and good for

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