
Similarities Between Ender's Game And The Day The Earth Stood Still

Decent Essays

By looking at Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card and The Day the Earth Stood still by Robert Wise, we can see that there are many significant similarities and differences throughout the book and the movie, this is important because both the movie and the book show the theme of a savior or peacekeeper who wants peace. Ender portrays a savior born to save Earth and the alien portrays a savior who comes to save Earth, with both using force to achieve their goal whether they wanted to or not. Ender portrayed peace due to him being the only chance Earth has of surviving, but the I.F used Ender whether it was against his morals or against his will. They manipulated and tricked him into doing cruel inhuman like actions that scarred him mentally. “Beat …show more content…

Klaatu plays a part as an alien coming to earth to send a message, but the message he sends is more of a threat to secure peace in the solar system than a message of just peace. The huge metal robot Gort is the system of law that goes through the galaxy and portrays a society of order, peace, and prosperity. Gort acts against aggression by naturalizing the source and establishing dominance over everyone and everything. This is important because earth has survived off power from certain party’s or kingdoms and when Klaatu came it was a shock to the world that such a creation could stop the flux of power. “Earth is getting too dangerous… I must annihilate it” (Wise). Peace has never really been achieved, and it the struggle for power through war will carry on going because the thing that is built into our minds is we can improve what we have. That means that we keep on progressing on items, for example, the iPhone; we always want the best and we improve it and the same goes with peace and war. We always won’t to improve it and that can damage society or let society progress. And by doing that society creates new …show more content…

The choice of not destroying the buggers but resolving differences was an easy choice to make, but the I.F had different plans and they did whatever they could to make him change his mind but he just couldn’t understand what the if was planning to get from destroying the Buggers completely; “But I thought the Buggers burned that to a radioactive”. (247) The I.F said to the world that the Buggers had destroyed everything in their path the only thing that would infuriate them and that was fear. Throughout history the U.N has solved problems that have scorched the earth for example the war in Uganda between too groups of people when one group decided to eliminate the other group by force, but the U.N couldn’t do anything because they didn’t know what to do. In Enders Game it is very similar the Eliminators are the I.F the Buggers are the Eliminates and Ender is the U.N because he could do nothing in his power to stop what was going

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