
Similarities Between Hinduism And Hinduism

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Since the dawn of mankind, humans have found solace and answers in the gods. The varied geographic locations and cultures of these ancient peoples equates to an assortment of religions and proto-religions being practiced. One of the most recognized religions in modernity, Hinduism, can trace its linage back to what is essentially the birth of organized religion. Hinduism has evolved and thrived, and today it boasts a pantheon of thirty-three million deities. Due to the tremendous amount of divine beings, those who practice Hinduism find themselves devoted to only a few “major” deities. This group, consisting of those being worshipped, features a hierarchy of deities. The exact makeup of the hierarchy can be disputed, but it is a widely …show more content…

One of these flames sits in a hand of Shiva Nataraja . Upon first glance Shiva Nataraja appears anthropomorphic, it isn’t until further scrutiny that the dissimilarity between a human and the Shiva Nataraja sculpture are revealed. The forehead of Shiva Nataraja bears a third eye, a common representation of cosmic knowledge. A popular hymn tells of the goddess, Parvati covering Shiva’s two, lower eyes in a flirtatious jest. However, as a result of this game, the Earth plunged into darkness. To restore light the universe, Shiva created his third eye . A more pronounced indicator of Shiva Nataraja’s divinity, is his multiple arms. The rendering of an entity with multiple arms is meant to display divinity and divine power. Each arm on the sculpture of Shiva Nataraja is positioned in a way to showcase the symbolic objects in hand and his strength . His left hand is pointed downward to assure the devotee that their soul will reach sanctuary, and the right hand forms the abhaya mudra, indicating the worshipper should have no fear . Shiva Nataraja is adorned with a garment known as the veshti in Southern India; an article of clothing worn by Hindu priests . Around Shiva Nataraja’s torso rests the sacred thread of the Brahmin priestly class . Two different earrings dangle from the ears of Shiva Nataraja. The right ear depicts the mythical creature makara, and the left ear contains a circular earring worn by women . The feminine earring is meant to serve as a personification of

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