
Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism And Christianity Comparison

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Practices of Hinduism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity Comparison
Hinduism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity developed centuries ago and have been practiced since then to today. Groups of people who practice these religions are bound to the conventional norms, beliefs, cultures and way of life of each. Each religion has a particular faith in a supreme being (Woodhead, Partridge & Kawanami, 2016). Muslims believe in Allah, Christians believe in Jesus Christ, Hindus believe in multiple Gods (Coomaraswamy, 2011) and Buddhism follower’s belief in various Gods and their enlightened priests especially the "most high priests" Buddha Almond, P. C. (2007). All these religions regard their places of which as sacred places which …show more content…

These names are regarded as holy and therefore belong to the religious leaders only and not ordinary members of the faith. In Hindu religion, the leaders are referred to as the Brahmins, or in other words, they are regarded as the priestly class. In Buddhism, the members of the clergy include monks, Dalai Lama, no rituals, Gods or Priests (Kurien, 2007). To the common Christian religion, the members of the clergy include the priests, preachers, Bishops, and Popes. In the Islamic religion, they are referred to as the Prophets (Medina Khadduri & Liebesny, 2010). These groups of people played a significant role in ensuring the religion spreads and that people learn the doctrines of the faith.
Hinduism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity developed among different groups in the world. Hinduism developed in the 19th century in Indonesia by the people of Hindu (Woodhead, Partridge & Kawanami, 2016). Islam was born off the people of Umma who were tied together by the Islamic religion. Christians trace its root in the Jewish community in Middle East who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ the son of their most supreme being God and Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama in India (Woodhead, Partridge & Kawanami, 2016).
Unlike Islam and Christianity who are monotheistic in that they believe in one Allah and God respectively.

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