
Similarities Between Jekyll And Beowulf

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The desire to grow and become that someone you have always wanted is what drives oneself to seek knowledge. Without desire why would you seek knowledge? That’s the typical mind set, however, throughtout Beowulf, Frankenstein and The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde one can see how that is not the case for most of the characters. It strangely portrays the opposite, as it is knowledge what drives desire to such extent that if analyzed one can predict what their desire will be. In the poem of Beowulf by Seamus Heaney Grendel portray this. To start off what could count as the knowledge of Grendel? That he is from “Cain’s clan” and that the “creator had outlawed and condemned as outcast[?]” (106-107). That is more of the readers’ knowledge, …show more content…

Yes, as everyone says “desire drives knowledge” but that initial desire is driven by their background knowledge. That of how one perceives life. Those that perceive life as that, full of knowledge where one is free to do as they please could lead to similar desires of Viktor’s Frankenstein or that of Jekyll where they obtain as much knowledge possible, and then pursue a task based on likings that is related to that knowledge. All that background knowledge of the world and its possibilities will take in place and guide the person. If there is a life where there is no knowledge of light and no possibilities, it will be that life like Grendel where this knowledge will just influence to do the wrong things because their desire is just to survive or it could be that of any dark feelings. This all comes down to the idea that desire cannot stand by itself. Without knowledge there is nothing to desire. How could someone desire to do evil if they have no knowledge of evil, how could someone desire to be someone important in life if they have knowledge of life itself or what it requires to be someone

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