
Similarities Between Judaism And Islam

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Judaism and Islam are two widely practiced religions today that cover most of the Middle East together. Judaism and Islam are monotheistic faiths believing in one God only and they both claim heritage dating back to the ancient figure of Abraham. Abraham being the “father” of both the Jews and the Muslims because of his two Sons, Isaac and Ishmael. Although their practices, their history, and their culture are almost very similar, there are slight differences between the two. Still today dating back all the way to the days of Abraham these two Faiths are in conflict with the main reason being who is entitled to the holy land, but they share the same lineage and story of the two sons Isaac and Ishmael. Judaism like Islam share and recognize …show more content…

Ishmael the first child of Abraham is not given the inheritance but he is outcaste. Although God has mercy on him, he does not forget about him. He promises him a great nation also. This propels the debate and the ongoing conflict for years. On one hand you have the Jews bringing forth that Isaac was the true son of Abraham so therefore he is the son who inherits the land given to Abraham, resulting in Jews being that they are the descendants of Isaac they are entitled to the Holy Land. But as well many Arabs believe what the Jews believe is not true. Abraham’s first born was Ishmael thus fulfilling the inheritance because he was the first son. It is very interesting that you can tie this in and ask Jews and many Arabs of the Islamic faith that this is a source of the conflict that is going on still today in our present lives between Israel and its neighboring Arab countries. Something that may have happened thousands and thousands of years ago passed down by each faith and adopted into their own versions is one of many reasons why blood has been spilled between the Israelis, Arabs and many other countries own men and women who support each side for many years and more years to

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