
Similarity and Its Connection to the Strength, Success, and Overall Happiness of Interpersonal Relatonships

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Similarity and Its Connection to the Strength, Success, and Overall Happiness of Interpersonal Relationships Since time immemorial, social interactions, and the subsequent relationships that bloom from them, have been often explained by the old adage “Birds of a feather flock together”. This refers to a fact of simple human nature: we are most attracted to things that share traits with us. For example, those with a penchant for thrill-seeking behavior and activities will not be attracted to a person of shrewish nature. Our attraction to similar people fosters cognitive synergy, pack-behavior and a need for cohabitation which are just a few deeply rooted predispositions that our early ancestors needed in order to survive. In short, the …show more content…

With a focus on well-acquainted people, Lee, Ashton, Pozzebon, et al. (2009) shed light on this particular topic by conducting both self and observer reports that outline the personality of paired groups of college students. With the aim of understanding the phenomenon of assumed similarities between observer reports and the similarities between self-reports, this study utilizes an alternative method (HEXACO Personality Inventory) of examining personality characteristics in regards to similarity and assumed similarity. This allows the reports to be compared to an entirely different set of traits which in turn expounds upon previously conducted studies. It was found that the Self-Trancendence versus Self-Enhancement and Honesty-Humility and Openness to Experience dimensions of the HEXACO model had comparable level of both similarity and assumed similarity. This tells them that morals/values are a chief part of people’s social relations and because of this, individuals tend to assume that their values are shared by those with whom they have close relationships. The findings of this study are not surprising at all and one may question if the use of the HEXACO model, while an alternative to the Big Five, was overcomplicating to the process of compiling the data. Though the model provided additional personality traits to be examined, many of these paired traits were

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