
Simply Effective Communication Analysis

Decent Essays

Think of the last time you were confident about yourself? There is a confidence crisis these days especially in the workplace, and you know what, it also affects the rest of our lives in a very negative way.

In this article, I'm shedding light on how you can build self confidence in 5 easy steps:

1. Focus on the right thing - one at a time
Despite the popularity of "multi-tasking", to be truly effective in your work, life, relationships, and frankly, anything that matters, you must focus on one thing at at time.

* one task
* one conversation
* one thought

Thankfully, we do have machines that allow us to start a project, while it finishes it, so we can move on to something else more important (i.e. laundry and our glorious washers and dryers). …show more content…

I visualized each event to the best of my ability in color, like a movie in my mind, each detail, who were my supporting characters, how faster I would be than my competition, and most importantly, how I would feel about winning.

SECRET REVEALED: The #1 part of effective visualization is your feelings. Their like fuel in the Maserati luxury sports car. Without fuel, the car won't go anywhere, and the same is true for visualization. Which is why I actually call this process "virtualization". Use as many of your 5 senses (sight, sound, touch, smell and taste) PLUS your emotions to realized your victory!!!

What outcome do you want at work? At school? In your family? In your intimate relationships? In your health?

This is your LIFE! What do you want in it? You have the power of visualization to create just about anything. Why leave this fabulous super-power idling in the basement of your mind?

3. Work on improving yourself by removing your negative self esteem
About 10 years ago, I started actively noticing the thoughts and feelings swimming around in my mind and body. WOW! Was I shocked to find out that most of my thoughts were YUCKY and very negative, and worse yet, they were negative about me, myself and I! So here is what I did to turn it …show more content…

* What belief about the world, himself/herself, or about relationships did the primary character of the triggering scene create in that moment?
* What did the primary character of the triggering scene really need in that moment? (unconditional love, peace, security, confidence, etc.)
* If you went out into the abundant universe to find these yummy resources and gathered them up until you felt warm, tingly and AWESOME, would you be willing to give these gifts to the primary character of the old, yucky triggering scene?
* If so, how does the person and the scene change, as they have what they need?
* Now that you and the primary character have these yummy resources, what new belief do you have that replaces the old, limiting (yucky) one?
* With the new resources and new belief(s), how will the future be different? Will you be more confident? Picture and experience the new, future scene. Try it on and use all your senses. Teach your mind, body and spirit how to use the new resources and how life will be different now.
Hope these steps will help you to boost your confidence. Believe in the power within and you'll notice how you attract and influence others. Always reward when you achieve

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