
Critical Thinking Essay in Comparative Business Ethics

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1. When asked the vast majority of people will agree with the following two statements. Would you agree with them also? a. I have solid, well-considered ethical beliefs that can be altered only by reasoned arguments or new evidence. b. I have character and integrity that will carry me though when I face difficult moral choices. I believe that I do have solid and well considered ethical beliefs that can be altered only by reasoned arguments and the emergence of new evidence. I also believe that I have the character and integrity necessary to carry me through difficult moral choices. I believe that having this self-confidence is necessary in our time and age where the social forces at large always try to push us into different …show more content…

Not surprising at all, Religiosity and Atheism are just additional "layers" added only recently (during the last 2000? or so? years) to our moral "layer cake", imposed by our society. We are still not yet sufficiently evolved to transcend our primal hunter-gatherer instincts. 4. Have you known good people to do bad things? Either personally, or you've heard or read about episodes in the media? Sexual abuse of children by certain priests? Clipper's (NBA) Owner Donald Sterling's most recent Racist remarks? Colonel Kurtz, Apocalypse Now? 6. If so, how would you explain their conduct? Simply put, these are all people who have risen to high positions, power went to their heads and at one point they disassociated themselves with the rest of the "Hoi Polloi", in their opinion they do no rely on the public anymore, they have broken out of their chain and can only look down on us for not being able to do what is necessary. Activity 2 - Bounded Ethicality 1. Introduction: Economists have often modelled human decision makers as completely rational. According to this model, rational people know their own preferences, gather and accurately process all relevant information, and then make rational choices that advance their own interests. However, Herbert Simon won a Nobel Prize in economics by pointing out that people are rational, but only boundedly so in that they seldom gather all available information, they often do not accurately process the information

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