
Skin Psoriasis Research Paper

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Psoriasis treatments aim to:
Stop the skin cells from growing so quickly, which reduces inflammation and plaque formation
Remove scales and smooth the skin, which is particularly true of topical treatments that you apply to your skin
Psoriasis treatments can be divided into three main types: topical treatments, light therapy and systemic medications.
Topical treatments
Used alone, creams and ointments that you apply to your skin can effectively treat mild to moderate psoriasis. When the disease is more severe, creams are likely to be combined with oral medications or light therapy. Topical psoriasis treatments include:
Topical corticosteroids. These powerful anti-inflammatory drugs are the most frequently prescribed medications for treating …show more content…

These are commonly used to treat acne and sun-damaged skin, but tazarotene was developed specifically for the treatment of psoriasis. It normalizes DNA activity in skin cells and may decrease inflammation. The most common side effect is skin irritation.
Salicylic acid. Available over-the-counter (nonprescription) and by prescription, salicylic acid promotes sloughing of dead skin cells and reduces scaling. Salicylic acid is available in medicated shampoos and scalp solutions to treat scalp psoriasis.
Coal tar. A thick, black byproduct of the manufacture of petroleum products and coal, coal tar is probably the oldest treatment for psoriasis. It reduces scaling, itching and inflammation.
Moisturizers. By themselves, moisturizing creams won't heal psoriasis, but they can reduce itching and scaling and can help combat the dryness that results from other therapies. Moisturizers in an ointment base are usually more effective than are lighter creams and lotions.
Light therapy (phototherapy)
As the name suggests, this psoriasis treatment uses natural or artificial ultraviolet light. The simplest and easiest form of phototherapy involves exposing your skin to controlled amounts of natural sunlight. Other forms of light therapy include the use of artificial ultraviolet A (UVA) or ultraviolet B (UVB) light either alone or in combination with

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