
Sleep Deprivation In America's Schools

Decent Essays

In most of America’s schools, they are started early in the morning. There are multiple reasons as to why they should not. First of all, a teenager is not fully awake and does not get everything out of their first class, especially if it starts before 8AM. Even according to a National Sleep Foundation poll, 28% of students fall asleep during their first classes. Some research claims that teenagers are set to a different sleep schedule than that of an adult or a young child. Teenagers usually are not able to fall asleep until after 11PM, and typically cannot wake up before 8AM, when their bodies finally stop producing melatonin. Research also shows that if their classes are at any time before 8, then they end up not even showing up, which gives in to failure and raises the drop-out rates. But of course nobody performs well when they are sleep deprived. With that being said, it is proven that sleep deprivation lead to obesity and learning disabilities like attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). …show more content…

Though it was just an hour, the attendance and standardized test scores both rose. The later start times also dropped the number of teenagers that were involved in car accidents. Those were not the only things dropping; behavioral problems, lateness, and drop-out rates did, too. With all the good things happening when school starts later, you may ask yourself, why is it not like this everywhere? Apparently, teenager’s performance is not anyone’s highest concerns. Nobody wants the responsibility of higher bus services, moving around after-school activities, or deal with the inconvenience to teachers and

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