
Smoking Cessation: Management Plan

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Smoking Cessation-Management Plan
Tobacco consumption is one of the modifiable risk factors that causes or worsens numerous diseases and conditions. Tobacco used is the leading cause for cancer and cancer death in the world. Smoking increases the incidence of cancer of the lung, esophagus, kidney, bladder, stomach, colon etc. but also that of chronic diseases in particular cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease like pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease( COPD) while weakening the body’s immune system. Furthermore, smoking is responsible for the death of 480,000 people every year in the United States of America from which many are secondhand smoking.(Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016) Among other effects, …show more content…

This stage provides information about the progress of the patient and uncover the potential obstacles to achieving the goal. Allan’s plan extends over a period of 6 months and monitoring his progress is a mixt of face-to-face brief interventions sessions and phone calls. The monitoring of the plan started 2 weeks after the plan established by conducting the first phone call, followed by a phone call at the end of second, third month and fourth to evaluate Allan’s progress and setting a day to quit.. The face-to-face visit to succeed by the end of the first month and the beginning of nicotine patches usage, 2 weeks after that and at the end of six month. The transdermal nicotine replacement therapy will be started based on the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Allan planned to keep a journal with the reasons for smoking each cigarette and each week he records if breathings improve while walking for 6 minutes. Encouraging to remove smoking reminder like matches, lighters ashtrays, cigarettes help eliminate the smoking reminders and follow the plan. The oral substitutes like gum, raw vegetables, carrot sticks, hard candy, straws, etc. can help Allan to reduce the oral …show more content…

In order to minimize these risk factors Allan is introduced to Community Partners Program that can help with financial struggle and support in finding a job. Also Indiana Tobacco Quitline (the 1-800- Quit Now) is a free telephone counseling service assist Allan to speak with a real Quit Couch or interact with a web Coach in time of need. It is knowing that quitting smoking is a process involving successes and relapses. If that happens to Allan’s case non-nicotine medication can be added to the treatment plan or additional nicotine replacement therapy (gum, lozenges) can double the chance of success. Using pharmacological approach and a more personalized counseling in which one-on- one interaction with a trained counselors can assist Allan in learning to avoid better the triggers ( like coffee or stress) and working in getting more support from family and friends. Healthy balanced diet, exercise program and stress management can be added to the plan. It is important to Allan to know that he is not alone in this journey and a different approach can be explored for the help of the healthcare provider to

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