
Smoking Cessation Program Analysis

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With smoking kiosks in place, these make the ideal place to advertise for smoking cessation programs. This approach would work hand in hand to benefit the smoker.

Without a smoking cessation program, only four to seven percent of those attempting to quit will succeed. With the aid of a smoking cessation program, the results may increase. (Leif Associates, Inc.)

The American Cancer Society offers a program called Fresh Start. With this program a representative from the school would attend training classes which enable them to teach techniques for quitting. These include different ways to cope with quitting, peer support and education on replacement therapies. They would then help the smoker pick the best option that works for them. This program …show more content…

This is a small class led by a professional. They also offer individual counseling for five dollars a session. The school has a mobile app Quitters Mobile and links to several nationwide apps and mobile sites which are listed below. ("Tobacco Cessation Resources.")

Emory University in Atlanta, GA, offers several different cessation programs for their school. Their counselors attend the Fresh Start program to become certified and offer an eight week program for individuals and groups. According to one of their counselors, five to eight students attend each year and a majority are successful in quitting. (Sand, Dana)

In 2003, Penn State University began the program “Who Wants to be a Survivor”, this was designed to “motivate, encourage, and support students who wanted to quit or reduce tobacco use”. They began this as a month-long event starting with online registration and a social gathering. Quit kits were handed out with samples, coupons and advertisements of programs available. Volunteers provided coaching in group and individual settings. The funding was provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Health Tobacco Settlement. Sixty students attended and thirty three completed the program. With the success of the program, it was implemented year-long. (“Tobacco Technical Assistance …show more content…

This service provides free nicotine replacement patches, lozenges, or gum, access to one-on-one coaching, developing a personalized quit plan, receive peer support, cancel and a cessation coach. This program would require funds, as they are giving out products and needing a staff. The University uses a peer program which uses volunteers to help with the peer support and receives several grants to help with the funding. According to a USA article, they support hundreds of students, faculty and staff and about a quarter state they have been successful in quitting. (“Wellness Resource Center.")
If students and faculty prefer to get help through group meetings and support, Nicotine Anonymous meetings could be an option. Advertisement for meetings in the area could be offered, or if possible the school could start its own meetings in the school. The second option would require money as promotional materials and pamphlets could be purchased from their website. Pamphlets cost twenty-five cents each with seventeen different ones available. ("Nicotine Anonymous World

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