
Smoking Informative Essay

Decent Essays

Smoking accounts for more than 440,000 deaths in the U.S. every year. There are many dangers when you smoke. In fact, when burned, cigarettes create more than 7,000 chemicals, and around 70 of these are known to cause cancer. The majority of smokers today started before they were 18, and still today, 4,000 kids try their first cigarette. These kids start because of peer pressure or because their parents are smokers. Second-hand smoke is also a problem. It accounts for 50,000 deaths per year and many other health effects. Preventing this may seem easy, but it is not so. Fifty percent of high school students have attempted to quit and around 70% of adults say they want to quit. What’s keeping them from quitting? The addictive chemicals in the …show more content…

In fact, over 125,000 people die from it annually in the US ( Finally, cancer is the most commonly associated disease in relation to smoking. Smoking damages your DNA, and can cause cells to grow abnormally. These are tumor cells. One third of all cancer deaths are caused by some sort of tobacco use ( Here are some statists about smoking: people who smoke die around 14 years earlier than non-smokers ( Twenty percent of smokers have at least one serious disease ( Smoking also accounts for around 85% of deaths from COPD. One is more likely to smoke if they are below the poverty level ( better education you have, the less likely you are to smoke. Lastly, smoking kills around 480,000 people each year, and about 10% is caused by second-hand …show more content…

Forty thousand people die from second-hand smoke every year. That’s more than a hundred people every day. Second-hand smoke comes in two forms: Sidestream smoke, which is smoke from the end of a cigarette, pipe, etc., and mainstream smoke, which is smoke exhaled by the smoker. Second-hand smoke puts people at risk, even if they don’t smoke. It is especially dangerous to children, pregnant woman, and the elderly. Second-hand smoke slows lung growth in children, and when exposed to second-hand smoke when pregnant, is can cause problems with the baby like a miscarriage, stillborn, low birth-weight, and other delivery complications. All of these dangers can be

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