
Snapchat Research Paper

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The Snapchat speed app is an update on the regular Snapchat. The update is a bad thing because kids and adults are using the update to drive high speeds and then show their friends there speed. Most of the people use this app for other things and not while they are driving. The addition of the speed feature to snapchat should not be available for kids and adults to download because people are using the app while driving at high speeds and then crashing. The snapchat app has many different features and can be used for many different things. The app was designed to send a picture to a person and that person can only see it for a few seconds. According to Matthew Panzarino, a recent “update also adds 3 ‘smart filters’ which overlay the time your …show more content…

The feature is extremely dangerous and encourages teens to take selfies while driving. People are walking and looking at their phones and not paying attention to cars just walk right in front of the cars . A car crash from a teenager using the speed filter required a man named Wentworth Maynard to stay in the intensive care in the hospital for over 5 weeks and then 6 weeks learning how to talk again. Snap chat speed filter is encouraging drivers to take high risks and go high speeds.Snapchat's speed filter encourages reckless driving and causes accidents with young people.The people involved with the crash say that they are going to sue the driver using the speed filter.A snapchat user posted a speed of nearly 106 miles per hour and a motorcycle's Snapchat speed showed 57 miles per hour."I think it's really horrible. I think that's horrible that there is something out there to tell them 'Hey go faster,' said a mother of a girl that was killed because of the speed app."Snapchat knew that wrecks had occurred due to the use of Snapchat’s app while driving at high speed. The popular smart phone app may have played a role in many deadly car crashes. “You want to see how fast you can get, so when you get to open lanes, you just kick it” said Shawn Bradley from Burlington, New Jersey. The snapchat speed filter is encouraging users to use the app while traveling at high speeds. Christal

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