
Snapchat: Social Media

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The vast majority of millennial are well aware of a social media output called "Snapchat". Turn your selfies into a dog or cat or add some art to make it look spiffy. Give yourself cartoon eyes or make it seem as if your tongue is made of rainbows. Facebook profile pics are splashed with Snapchat filters that make the average selfie look ethereal with a wreath of flowers and a halo of light placed just so. From fancy to goofy, Snapchat seems to have just about every kind of filter out there to make your selfies fun. Our Wonderful Wengie already has so many ways for fans to reach out and keep in contact such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram. Snapchat is just another fun and exciting way to keep fans up-to-date on her interesting life. …show more content…

Wengie was not immune to these glitches as she signed up for the social media giant, and was immediately hacked on the first day. People were having a good round on her behalf, strangers posting not so Wengie-tastic things, and Wengie had no control. Wengie had to take to Twitter to gain control of her Snapchat account. So not cool. As I sit here writing this, I've been trying to sign up for a Snapchat account. 20 minutes later, it still hasn't verified

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