
Snaps Pros And Cons

Decent Essays

In the world there are thousands of people who aren't able to work and are considered disabled, but what about those who are able to work and just want things handed to them? These people are needy and self-centered. They believe that if they can’t get a job on the first try that everyone else should have to take care of them. SNAPS has a system to provide for these people, while helping them have more opportunities to get a job in the end. This system is good for the community and has the ability to help thousands of people get back on their feet, and into the workforce. There was an act created in 1996 called “The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act.” This act helps lay out the time requirement that the people applying for SNAPS have to complete all their training hours in order to be able and receive the food stamps. As long as the potential recipient completes their hours needed and they meet all the other requirements that need to be met, they …show more content…

SNAP benefits should not be an easy hand out, many of the SNAP recipients don't depend on these benefits to live. From the year 2000 to 2014 the cost of giving these benefits out has risen from 20.7 billion to 83.1 billion. The U. S government has spent over $1 trillion on providing, cash, food, housing and social services to the “poor and low income individuals”. These benefits cost the taxpayers around $10.5 billion per year. Which is why many should be cut from receiving these benefits. In the state of Maine they've started a reform to make all the SNAP recipients ages 18-49 who do not have children or anyone else to support must do community service, have a job or be in some kind of training (military, or for a job), to receive their benefits. In the first months of the work policy the SNAP recipients fell from 13,332 to 2,678. This rapid drop will save taxpayers 9.7 billion per

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