
Soar Research Paper: Theories Of Autism. Autism Is Known

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SOAR Research Paper: Theories of Autism Autism is known as a profound neural development disorder marked by an inability to communicate and interact with others. In many families, there appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities, further supporting the theory that the disorder has a genetic basis. (Autism and Neurodevelopment) While no one gene has been identified as causing autism, researchers are searching for irregular segments of genetic code that children with autism may have inherited. Autism symptoms and their severity vary widely across these three core areas. (After the Diagnosis) Together, they may result in relatively mild challenges for someone on the high functioning end of the autism spectrum. While …show more content…

Because it is now agreed on by researchers that children with Autism and PDD are born with the disorder or born with the potential to develop it, psychological factors have been completely ruled out, to the benefit of families that are dealing with an autistic child.Decades of research have shown that males are at far greater risk for neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder than females.
Autism was discovered back then when many doctors did studies and clinical trials on young patients. Eugen Bleuler coined the word "autism" in 1908 among severely withdrawn schizophrenic patients. In 1943 American child psychiatrist Leo Kanner studied 11 children. From the early 1900s, autism has referred to a range of neuropsychological conditions. The word "autism" comes from the Greek word "autos," which means "self." It describes conditions in which a person is removed from social interaction. In other words, he becomes an “isolated self.” Over time, psychiatrists have developed a systematic way of describing autism and related conditions. All of these conditions are placed within a group of conditions called Autism Spectrum Disorders. (Learn more about Treatment of Autism’s Core Symptoms and Treatment of Associated Medical Conditions) Depending on how severe symptoms are, they are classified under level 1, 2 or 3.

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